Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Waiting, waiting, waiting

  Well, I'm about to venture on a new endeavor... blogging.   I don't consider myself much of a writer, however, if I am ever going to start a blog now is the time to do it.  I keep running into people that say they have heard through the grapevine that I'm about to leave on another adventure.  It is true,  I am going to Iraq.
  I just got word today that I should be leaving in the first few days in February. It is nice to have a better idea in when I will be leaving although it can be quite difficult to wait.  I originally thought that I would be leaving early to mid January.  I delay was nice at first for it allowed me to get more organized, see friends, and tie up other loose ends.  Now,  I think I am getting anxious to leave.  For those of you that don't know what I am doing I will explain...
  About a month ago I accepted a job to teach English in a Kurdish area of Northern Iraq in the town of Sulaimaniyah.  I will be on a team of 5 teachers who will be teaching at a local university until the end of the semester which runs until the end of June or early July.  I am going through a NGO called Millennium Relief & Development Services (MRDS).  They have received a US grant to send teachers to this University to teach English to the students.  Apparently, these students have some materials in English since materials in Kurdish are limited.  Thus, learning English or improving English is very important in their studies.  
  Now I'm left waiting.  I'm waiting for this USAID money to actually come through.  When it does it sounds like they are going provided nicely for us.  My living arrangement is already set up as I will be living with a guy from Columbia who is working with a team already there.  Also, the flight cost and the visa will be taken care of by MRDS.  I will be given a stipend to live on and will be paid for my time there.
 From what it sounds like, there has already been good relationships established in this area of Iraq because of MRDS.  A woman's center was build there about a year ago.  They have already given classes teaching several things including crafts, sewing, computers and English. 
  I am very excited about this opportunity as I am sure I will learn a lot in the next half year, that is as soon as the waiting is over.  But for now,  that is where I am at.  Just waiting.